Potential future teaching
The Politics of Public Policy: This course prepares students to understand the political contexts in which policies are formulated and implemented. We focus on three specific contexts: institutional, behavioral, and organizational. These include political institutions (e.g., the separation of powers, federalism, and decentralization), political behavior (e.g., the media and the mass public), and political organizations (e.g., bureaucracy).
Public Policy Making: This course prepares students to understand how policy is formulated, implemented, and evaluated within the context of competing political frames, groups/stakeholders, and their interests. We will analyze this process through five specific policy case studies: housing, education, immigration, poverty and inequality, and criminal justice.
U.S. Social Policy: This course prepares students to understand the historical development and contemporary politics surrounding social policy in the United States. It pays particular attention to implementing safety net programs and examines the strengths and limitations of policy innovations designed to address these issues.
Data Science for Public Policy: This course is designed to help students develop both computational and communication skills to transform data into compelling, fact-based arguments that can be used in policy design, implementation, and evaluation. The first half of the course focuses on building computational skills necessary for wrangling, modeling, and visualizing large, complex, and often messy datasets. In the second half, students will apply these skills to create data-driven policy products, such as six-page policy briefs.
Data and Algorithms for Public Policy: This course prepares students to understand how policies are designed and implemented through the interaction of data and algorithms. We first distinguish between the hype and reality of using data and algorithms across various public policy domains, ranging from social policy to criminal justice, underscoring their positive and negative human consequences. We then discuss how we can use these tools fairly, transparently, and responsibly through effective institutional and organizational design.
Civic Tech and Digital Public Service: This course prepares students to understand how technology, design, and data transform public services. Increasingly, citizens interact with government agencies through digital platforms (e.g., websites, mobile applications, etc.). We examine how human decisions create these “tech” products within specific institutional and organizational contexts. We then discuss “civic” tech approaches: design thinking-guided and data-driven methods to reduce administrative burdens in these policy experiences and improve policy access, processes, and outcomes.
Courses taught
Graduate seminars
KDI School
- R Fundamentals for Public Policy (Spring 2022, Fall 2022 [2x])
- Data Visualization and Communication (Summer 2022)
UC Berkeley
- An Introduction to Computational Tools and Techniques for Social Science Research
- Instructor of record: Spring 2019, Spring 2021 [2x]
- Graduate student instructor with Rachel Bernhard: Fall 2016
- Research Workshop on Computational Tools for Digital Data Collection (with Nick Kuipers: Fall 2020)
Undergraduate lectures
UC Berkeley
- Introduction to Empirical Analysis and Quantitative Methods (with Laura Stoker: Fall 2016)
- Received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
Pre-conference tutorials
- International Conference for Computational Social Science (IC2S2 ’24, July 2024): Training Computational Social Science PhDs for Academic and Non-academic Careers
- Summer Institute in Computational Social Science-Howard R Bootcamp (SICSS-Howard, June 2021). Invited instructor
- Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative: Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods (Summer 2024). Invited instructor
- Korea University Institute of Politics: Digital Data Collection (Summer 2022). Invited instructor
- UC Berkeley D-Lab (Summer 2020-Summer 2020):
- Fairness and Bias in Machine Learning
- Machine Learning in R
- SQL for R Users
- R Package Development
- Functional Programming in R
- Advanced Data Wrangling in R
- Reproducible Project Management in R
- R fundamentals
Guest lectures
- 2025: Johns Hopkins (NLP for Computational Social Science, scheduled)
- 2024: Johns Hopkins (Democracy by the Numbers)
- 2023: Wesleyan (Challenges to Democracy in East Asia)
- 2022:
- National University of Singapore (Digital Communications and Analytics)
- KAIST (Data Analysis for Green Business and Policy, Science, Technology, and Society)
- Korea University (Introduction to Political Science)
- Sungkyunkwan University (Methods of Economic Data Analysis)
- 2021:
- KAIST (Data Analysis for Green Business and Policy)
- Dartmouth (Experiments in Politics)